ppp. DES-MONTE (Cerro de Pasco, Perú)

// Des-monte (Cerro de Pasco, Peru)

“In order to expand the vast open pit from which the deposits of minerals are extracted, each year entire neighbourhoods in the town are demolished and their residents forced to relocate.

“SHOTS SCHEDULE: MORNING 11 AM, AFTERNOON 11PM”                                            (photo shot by la Ultima Reina)


pp. COBRIZO MINERO (Cerro de Pasco, Peru)

//Resistance portrait 01: Cobrizo Minero (Cerro de Pasco, Peru)

.featuring Tolentino and Kristian brothers.Tolentino and his brother refuse to move from their house and sell it to the mine that ate everything around them. It´s the only house left standing in the area. “Cobrizo Minero” is their home where  they teach young children the importance of theater and identity. They are part of Cerro de Pasco cultural resistance.

p. Cerro de Pasco, Peru

Some Months ago, we where invited by Afuera to take part on an interesting project in Cerro de Pasco (Peru), a mining city high in the Central Andes at 4500 m altitude. The conditions where really hard.

“Originally a small and sustainable mining community for the Inka empire, the town experienced rapid growth and unprecedented wealth during the colonial era, but is now plagued by environmental and social issues caused by current mining operations.”

“Simultaneous to the encroaching open pit,  the waste from the mine is deposited on large mounds which continuously seeps poisonous contaminants into the local aquifer and atmosphere of the town.”

In the first approach to Cerro de Pasco, we found some beautiful instalations…

…and traditional paints.