^^^ BREATH PROJECT / open now

Some months before, we started with this incredible project that will take us some years to realise. We want to reforest Mount Olivella in Sapri – Southern Italy and spread a huge global consciousness message to the world, built by 5,000 new trees.

BREATH will start with a huge organic drawing made of 5,000 new trees planted on Mount Olivella.

It is the result of of two-year long feasibility studies, which will cover a surface of 120,000 square meters, being visible from tens of kilometers away, from the sea and the surrounding towns.

BREATH will begin with a big battery build by trees which depicts the energy cycle, It following the rhythms of time and Earth, always renewing and regenerating itself and never staying the same.

The main goal should be to REFOREST the whole mountain. Unfortunately, in this crazy times, it would be so complicated to get funding directly for it, so let’s try with some tricks. Art is only an excuse to make it happen. If everything goes as we wish, after some years, Mount Olivella will have thousands of new trees and no human traces on it.

Chapter 01. We plant 5,000 trees to draw a Battery.
Chapter 02. We plant, at least, 2,000 more trees to fill the battery
Chapter 03. We let nature free to do what she knows better to do: grow freely and erase any humans trace.

You can check all the inormation about here and collaborate with us here.


74. de cerca…nadie es normal

Con motivo del 40 aniversario del centro de Autismo de la Garriga, fui invitado por Kognitif a proponer una intervención mural en esta localidad. Pude pasar unos días conociendo el centro y desarrollando algunas prácticas con los pacientes allí internos. Fué una experiencia intensa, maravillosa y reveladora de la que salieron grandes preguntas.

El autismo, es un marco de aproximación bajo el que se agrupan sintomatologias diferentes, en diferentes grados y medidas. Se trata de una enfermedad aún muy desconocida en la que confluyen desequilibrios como la paranoia, el trastorno bipolar, las fobias, el delirio cognitivo, etc. Sintomas que, de hecho, podemos encontrar no solo en los enfermos, sino en todos y cada uno de nosotros. Entonces, siendo que todos sufrimos, en mayor o menor medida, estos desequilibrios, ¿Cuando se puede hablar de enfermedad?

La enfermedad puede diagnosticarse a partir del momento en el que los síntomas dominan al individuo, superando el limite de lo temporal o esporádico. Aunque todos, en un momento dado, podemos sufrir desajustes de este tipo, no es lo mismo estar jodido que deprimido.

Es muy dificil establecer donde se encuentra el limite entre la enfermedad y la no enfermedad. De hecho podríamos determinar perfectamente que ese limite no existe y valorar la intensidad de un estado en relación a otro estado previo o diferente. Asi alguien puede estar más o menos paranoico, más o menos obsesivo, más o menos depresivo. Un analisis bajo estos valores permitiría establecer que una patología de este tipo no sea determinante, vinculante, ni segregativa. Todos podemos sufrir un desequilibrio determinado con mayor o menor intensidad, de mayor o menor durabilidad. Todos podemos ser raros, locos, enfermos, regaderas o extraños. En mayor o menor medida, todos somos autistas. Todos somos personas. Todos somos todos. Todos…nosotros y ellos.

75. Holidays in Besançon / Besançon, France

“Aprés le mur”, j´ai passé quelques jours de vacances a Besançon. J´ai rencontré là-bas de grands amis. On a pu se baigner dans la plage et manger des glaces tous les jours. Quand le soleil ne nous accompagnait pas, on profitait pour jouer dans la rue… au cache cache, 1 2 3 soleil, trap trap …ou bien faire des petites sotisses… comme celles qui suivent…

After the wall, I spent some holidays in Besançon. I met there such good friends. We were able to swim in the beach and eat ice cream every day. When the sun didn´t get out, we profit to play in the street … to hide and seek, cops and robbers, blind man’s buff … or make small ittle shits like these






76. LES DÉPLACÉS / Besançon, France

A l´ocasion de la derniére edition de Bien Urbain, j´ai put travailler dans le quartier de Saint Claude. Tout un quartier construit dans la périphérie, d´un jour pour l´autre, pour reloger un grand secteur de population migrante de la ville. Un quartier deplacé de la ville pour loger les deplacés de leurs villes. Il y a ceux qui ne bougeront jamais de leur canapé… et ceux qui sont deplacés constament. Il y a aussi des portes qui se deplacent, des fenêtres, des escaliers, des murs,… La terre tremble… C´est temps de bouger une autre fois.

Around Bien Urbain last edition, I could work in Saint Claude neighborhood. A big district built on periphery, from a day to the other, to relocate a large migrant population sector of the city. A displaced district from the city to house displaced people from their cities. There are those who never move from their couch … and those who get moved constantly. There are also doors that move, windows, stairs, walls, … The earth trembles … it´s time to move again.

THE DISPLACED  / Besançon, France Comment peindre un mur sans peindre un mur?  / How to paint a wall without painting a wall?/ photos by Élisa Murcia-Artengo et Quentin Coussirat

79. Unlawfully parked vehicles will be towed away / Munich, Germany

 On my days in Munich, I´d profit to make some tourism in the city. It´s always nice to visit the typical places on the cities. Just to know a little bit more about its culture and society. So Mr.Sebastian Pohl accompany me to Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, the famous german tanks factory, well know for building the great Leopard Tanks. Oh my good! I always dreamed to see one real Leopard.

So we went there and took some pictures of such romantic place and also we check it on internet maps. What ´s a surprise that we found a beautifull tank parking. Ouch! Those guys are good drivers. But we are close to Oktoberfest and everybody knows how this works. So, just in case, I profit a wall in the way to Krauss-Maffei Wegmann to paint a civic indication:

“Unlawfully parked vehicles will be towed away at a charge.”

80. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS / Munich, Germany

This summer I had the chance to spend some weeks in Munich, searching some nice inspiration for my watercolors, enjoying English Garden water park and painting some decorative paintings. I love sunny days!

Mr. Sebastian Pohl wrote a clever text to understand why Munich is one of the richest cities on one of the richest countries. Not just for the cars industry.

“Viewed from the outside, for most people Munich is synonymous with beer, the Oktoberfest and top-class football… But ever since the so-called “refugee crisis”, the city has been associated with a lot more than that from an international perspective. It was around a year ago now that tens of thousands of voluntary helpers proved that the people of Munich have a heart and are prepared to share their prosperity with those seeking asylum. Countless volunteers as well as doctors, police officers and teachers dedicated their free time to the welfare of the refugees, supported by donations and public funding. An honourable commitment that is at the core of a caring and socially-conscious society. But we rarely stop and ask ourselves the question of why and how all of these people were forced to flee in the first place.

In the media we’re increasingly seeing images of destroyed and bombed cities in conflict areas. The causes of this are often “made in Germany”: namely the countless tanks, fighter planes, handguns and missiles from Germany that are responsible for this widespread destruction and displacement.
And if we count these tanks, fighter planes, handguns and missiles among the root causes of migration, the following question is raised: why are the common people – like in the game of global roulette during the financial debacle – left to pay the price for the economic success of the arms industry?
On the first day of his stay in Munich the Spanish artist ESCIF noticed one thing in particular: flowers. An abundance of beautiful blooms adorns the cityscape, which is characterised by a huge number of tourists. In these truly idyllic surroundings, refugees are a far less common sight than just one year ago, when thousands were arriving on a daily basis.
These ubiquitous flowers ultimately served as the initial inspiration for his artwork. In search of the most picturesque bicycle route to the Dachau concentration camp memorial site, ESCIF came across the names MTU and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann – two leading German arms manufacturers. Upon closer inspection, he was able to make out a few hundred tanks on the KMW company premises on Google Maps. Tanks that are sold from here to all parts of the world. A few clicks later, he had come up with his final image entitled “durch die Blume gesagt” (meaning “to say something in a roundabout way” and a wordplay based on “Blume”, which is German for flower). The motif is a reference to the fact that Munich – if only for a very small and exclusive group – is also world-renowned as a stronghold of the German arms industry.
And so with ESCIF’s beautiful painting, Munich’s cityscape has been adorned with another significant work of art – one that not only encourages critical scrutiny, but also actively demands it.”

Some nice images from Hanna Sturm…

… and beautifull video from Johannes Maierbacher…

Thanks Positive Propaganda, Ulrike and Patricia to make it happends.  : )))